Eye Injuries/Infections/Emergencies
We treat all eye injuries, infections and emergencies. Call our office and our staff will work you in to see one of our doctors on the same day! We can file most medical insurances for the exam.
Contact Lens Evaluation
This exam includes a basic eye exam(with spectacle rx given) and fitting of contact lenses. Followups and trial lenses are included in the exam fee. There is a policy that all followups for the contact lenses must be concluded within a 2 month period after the initial exam. Different fees apply for different types of contact lens evaluations. Contact lens prescriptions are valid for 1 year and contacts can be purchased at our office. We carry certain lenses in stock. If we have to order the the lenses then it generally takes 2 days to receive.
Eye Disease
Our office can treat and manage eye diseases. If it is something beyond our scope of practice then we will refer you to the appropriate specialist. We can file most medical insurances for these exams.
Eye Exams
Eye Exams at our office are comprehensive, include dilation and a spectacle prescription if applicable. Spectacle prescriptions are valid for 1 year. We recommend dilation for all new patients and then every 2-3 years after that. However, if over the age of 55 or if the patient has certain health conditions then we recommend it yearly. We file vision insurance for these exams. Eye exams are recommended yearly.
Call 479-527-9790 or contact us online to request information or to schedule an eye exam or fitting session for glasses or contacts.
Accepted Insurance
This includes, but not limited to...
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Superior Vision Plan
Davis Vision Plan/Always Care Vision
Optum Health Visions
Forrest T. Jones
Qual Choice
Starmount Vision
EyeMed (most plans)
VSP (most plans)